Club History 2 of 3

2. Association of Cricket Umpires

The Association of Cricket Umpires (ACS) was founded by a Mitcham man, Tom Smith. The inaugural meeting was held in the King's Head Hotel (now "The Burn Bullock") at the Cricket Green, in March 1953. This was not an accident. Tom felt that a better start could not be made than by organising the formation at one of the most famous cricket greens in the world.

The Association was formed with the blessing of the other MCC, the Club Cricket Conference and other cricket bodies. Within a year it had over 200 members. Members were elected as Associates on the understanding that they would study to take exams, theory and oral, for "full" status- ailed at raising standards.

Douglas Jardine, former England captain, became the first president. John Arlott was a vice-president.